

Supervisory Skills

The promotion to the supervisory role is the biggest transition experienced by an employee. From individual contributor, he is now the frontline leader of a team. From being responsible for his own output, he is now accountable for the individual contributors under his watch.

On top of this, he must master the intricacies of producing results using the most systematic set of procedures. He must be able to effectively assess the internal and external environment, plan his moves, implement the best strategy possible, utilize available company resources, regulate the activity and finally standardize his activities to successfully achieve his goals and objectives.

Fortunately, the skills of supervising can be learned. Given the appropriate training and exposure, the supervisor can be empowered to perform his best for himself, his people and his organization.

This program is patterned after the MBA course in Fundamentals of Management. It covers both the rudiments of managing operations and people with emphasis on leadership roles. Modern trends of management are also incorporated in this course where the POLC functions have already been transformed into PIRS. The intricacies of each management function are comprehensively discussed to ensure that no topic is left unturned.